Invited visitors to ALA weekend meetings.

A non member visitor can be invited to attend a weekend meeting by either the committee or a sponsoring paid up ALA member. An ALA visitors form (see attached document) needs to be completed and sent to committee for approval in good time before the meeting dates. The committee will confirm acceptance of a visitor by email. The committee can refuse any visitor and does not have to give a reason.

The visitor may only attend one meeting as a visitor, but attend a further meeting if taking the practical ALA entrance exam.

There are some charges applied to Invited visitors sponsored by an ALA member.

The cost of the hotel room for the Saturday and Sunday includes B&B, and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. If the hotel is booked for the Friday night it includes an evening meal, it also includes a member’s meal and entertainment, on Saturday evening, where we hold a well supported raffle, with fantastic prizes.

There is also a day delegate rate that is payable of £80.00 which covers both Saturday and Sundays, use of the various meeting rooms, coffee &Tea etc.

So cost wise you have to pay your own hotel bill (as you would expect) and £80.00 to cover the cost of them meeting rooms and tea and coffee etc (which you would expect), and you get the experience thrown in for free where possible.